York Association of the National Trust

Chair's Letter December

Chair's Letter December 2024

Welcome to the December Newsletter which we hope you enjoy reading. There is the latest holiday review and another essay in our series about paintings from the NT Collection; as well as the chance to discover details of the plans for Winter/Spring 2025 activities. This year our AGM and lunch will be held on Saturday 8th March at the Bar Convent, see page 5 for more information. There will be a Holiday Planning Meeting at the Theatre Royal on Tuesday 18th February and there is a day trip to Saltaire on Thursday 13th March. Booking forms are included with this Newsletter and on the website.

As you know we are trying to recruit new committee members and thank you to those people who responded but we still need several roles filling, including Website Administrator, Secretary and Chair. If you know anyone who might like to join us, do let us know. We are also holding a recruitment day for new YANT members in the York NT shop on Wednesday 15 January from 10.30am. Do encourage your friends to come and meet us.

Each month the Walks Group provide fascinating short gentle walks finishing at a Café or Pub. We also have an excellent arrangement with York Theatre Royal to provide members with a get-together place for lunch every third Tuesday. Do come and join us at these events.

On behalf of myself, and the committee members, I wish you a Happy Christmas and a peaceful New Year.

Best wishes,

Catherine Brophy, Chair

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