Membership Secretary:
Since our last increase in subscription fees, our admin and running costs have risen, especially over the last year e.g. printing costs, hall/room hire, fuel prices, postage rates. Following a discussion and vote at the Annual General Meeting in March, it was agreed to increase the membership subscription fees. These increases came into effect from 2024.
Individual membership will increase from £8 per person to £10.
Family membership (YANT members living at the same address) will increase from £14 to £18.
Please note all subscriptions are due on 4th January each year
If you pay by standing order, please contact your bank and increase your payment to the relevant amount, due on 4th January
If you wish to pay by cheque, please ensure that I receive your cheque by 4 January; cheques should be made payable to YANT and sent to the Membership Secretary at the address on the Membership Form which can be found
If you wish to pay by bank transfer, please ensure that your payment is transferred by 4th January.
I feel I need to draw attention to our falling membership numbers. Back in 2017 we had 631 members, last year 523 and now 421. This reduction, and our ageing membership, is impacting on members coming forward to volunteer for committees and event organisation. I would like to appeal to all members to come forward to help keep the Association running: a huge ‘Thank You’ to those who already do.
I would like to remind those members who still pay by cheque that subscriptions for next year are due on 4th January 2025. Unless this is paid by the end of February 2024 your name{s} will be deleted from the membership list. Please send your cheque to me at 24 Tedder Road, Acomb, YO24 3JB.
If you pay by standing order the Treasurer would be grateful if you could please check that the amount that you are paying reflects your current family situation - see details of the increased subscriptions above and below.
Annual Membership is £10 single and £18 for family membership (at the same address).
If you do change your standing order, or add a new one, please check that you are only making one payment annually to YANT. We look forward to meeting you at some of our future events.
Please note that payment by standing order is our preferred method of payment. This method of payment ensures all payments reach us
on the correct date. If you wish to change from paying by cheque or bank transfer, please print a copy of the Standing Order Authority, complete it and return to me. I will then update our database and forward the form to your bank/building society. If you don’t have access to a computer or printer, just get in touch with me (01904 780115) and I will post one to you.
Thank you,
Carole Wright,
Membership Secretary (
York Association of the National Trust