Earlier Editions of the
Newsletter are available in the Archive area below
Print friendly version of the Diary from the back page of the Newsletter
YANT Archives
YANT Archives - Newsletters, Documents, emails
YANT Newsletters/Holidays
YANT Documents
YANT 52nd AGM 25th March 2023 - Notice and Accounts-Landscape
YANT 52nd AGM 25th March 2023 - Notice and Accounts-Portrait
YANT 52nd AGM 25th March 2023 - Agenda
YANT 52nd AGM 25th March 2023 - Draft Minutes - Now Approved
YANT 51st AGM 26th March 2022 - Notice and Accounts
YANT 51st AGM 26th March 2022 - Agenda
YANT 51st AGM 26th March 2022 - Draft Minutes - Now Approved
YANT 50th AGM 21st April 2021 - Agenda
YANT 50th AGM 21st April 2021 - Notice and Accounts
YANT 50th AGM 21st April 2021 - Minutes
YANT 49th AGM Suspended - email includes Nominated Committee Members for 2020-2021
YANT 49th AGM 28th March, 2020 - Notice and Accounts
YANT 49th AGM 28th March, 2020 - Notice and Accounts - Booklet
YANT 48th AGM 23rd March,2019 - Minutes
YANT 48th AGM 23rd March, 2019 - Notice and Accounts
YANT 47th AGM 24th March, 2018 - Minutes
YANT 47th AGM 24th March, 2018 - Notice and Accounts
YANT 46th AGM 25th March, 2017 - Minutes
YANT 46th AGM 25th March, 2017 - Notice & Accounts
YANT EGM 15th October, 2016 - Minutes
YANT 45th AGM 19th March, 2016 - Minutes
YANT 44th AGM 21st March, 2015 - Minutes
National Trust "Views" Issue 51, Autumn 2014 - "War and Peace"
YANT Constitution (March 2014)
Consequences of our adopting the NT "model Constitution" (March 2014)
Recent emails
York Association of the National Trust